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Haystack is fully open source. Our community is made up of NLP researchers, enthusiasts, engineers and people who are interested in semantic search. Join us!


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  • 5.9k Stars
  • 147 Contributors

Active Community Members

  • Stefano Fiorucci

  • nickchomey

  • danielbichuetti

  • Livy

  • Unai Garay Maestre

  • ishpish

  • aaraw21

  • Valentin5

  • Diwank Singh Tomer

  • CLAassistant

  • invokedynamic

  • JacdDev

Upcoming Events

Test Event 1

Test Event 1

4th Dec 2022 14:00 GMT Online

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Minima quidem accusamus facilis, nobis officiis accusantium!

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Test Event 2

Test Event 2

6th Dec 2022 13:00 GMT Online

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Minima quidem accusamus facilis, nobis officiis accusantium!

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The Open NLP Meetup

The Open NLP Group is more than just high-quality talks from industry and research perspectives. It’s also the place to meet other NLP enthusiasts and to discuss and share ideas on how to integrate NLP techniques into your applications. We get together every three months and we welcome people from all kinds of backgrounds to join.

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